I had enough with procrastinating, I knew that it was time to start taking action... But how?
I spent years of my life trying to get a hold of myself and begin making progress, but I just couldn't seem to get myself to follow through. I knew the things that I needed to be doing on a daily basis, but I just couldn't seem to get myself to do them! Sound familiar?
It all finally began to change for me when I started to really understand the human mind works, and use that information for change. It allowed me to create systems and changed my ways of looking at life and tasks in a whole new way.
I wrote this book because I think that procrastination is the number one thing that holds people back in life. I have mastered it, and since have created businesses, traveled the world written books, done public speaking, exercise regularly, and have a more fulfilling social life than ever before.
I started with nothing, broke in every sense of the word, but in finding the ability to follow through on my tasks consistently did something to my confidence. I started being able to depend on myself, and I used that personal power to make bigger and bigger decisions.
It didn't take too long until my dreams were becoming reality merely by me deciding to make them so.
Imagine for a moment that simply by deciding to finish that research paper, that chore, or put together that event... That it is as good as done.You don't have to worry about putting it off until the last minute because you know that you can trust yourself fully!
I wrote this book with one major result I was determined to produce to produce: For the reader to completely master self-discipline to the point where they can completely rely on themselves to easily accomplish any task that that is laid before them.
This book, and its accompanying material in the included Facebook video success group is literally everything you will need to stop dreaming and start living. Whether you are a student, an entrepreneur, or a celebrity, this book can deliver results. I know it is a big claim, but I know that I can deliver results.
Don't procrastinate on this!
Key results you will gain:
- The ability to reliably achieve greater results faster
- Rely on yourself to follow through with every decisio
- Trust yourself, and gain the self confidence that comes with it
- Use these methods to make sure you are going to the gym, increasing your income, or are paying attention to your relationships closely enough.
- Increase your:
- Focus
- Confidence
- Ability to achieve more than you might have thought possible
- Paycheck
- and so much more..
- Stay organized with the simple 5 minute planning system
- Develop a psychological trigger that can give you powerful energy and drive on your command. I call it on tap motivation.
- So, so much more...
How Does It Work?
- Read a short chapter each day and watch the video in the success community.
- Do the fast and fun assignment right away
- Watch the results in your life change as if you waved a magic wand
For the cost of a bagel and coffee, you can have the ultimate life change with Stop Procrastinating, Start Living!
Buy this life changing book now, and let's get started. There is no one out there providing such a high-quality, in depth course for such a low cost. I wanted to serve as many people as possible.
I'll see you inside,
JR Cook