Stop Bleeding CashImagine the Possibilities!
The Most Important Financial Advice You'll Ever Need!
Stop Bleeding Cash is an important book for everyone to read, whether young or old, regardless of financial status or stage of life. It's truly amazing how much cash just slips through our hands or jumps out of our pockets and wallets when there is another, often better solution.
Barry Waxler's book, Stop Bleeding Cash, will remind you of cash draining and money-stealing traits and traps that we've all experienced and forgotten about. After you read it, you're going to think twice before reaching into your pocket, and you'll realize in a short period of
time that many overpriced "deals" are scams and schemes created solely to drain you of your cash-and that they can be avoided.
Stop Bleeding Cash is one of those books you're going to want to keep handy as a reference work at home and at the office, and have family read-even young children in your household. And you'll definitely want to recommend it to your friends and associates.
Barry Waxler is an independent financial consultant and a motivational speaker on financial topics. Waxler has over 30 years' experience advising clients on strategic investment platforms that promote wealth accumulation and tax advantages. He holds numerous top sales awards from groups such as Banner Life Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Life, Insurance and Minnesota Life, Lincoln Financial Group, and Ohio National Life. His collaborative approach with agents, planners, tax and legal professionals focuses on tax-deductible life insurance options to help clients avoid significant monetary loss during retirement and protect assets from creditor attack.