What makes the stock market move up or down? Why does it change direction? Is the movement news related? Can we forecast the markets potential future prices or dates in advance by using its prior history? Is there some harmony at work?
This book tries to address those questions by using simple math to prove that crashes such as the 1929 crash, works in perfect mathematical harmony. Stock Market Harmony proves that every major move has importance in time and price. So, by understanding the past, you can determine future importance.
We show major events in history such as the 1929 crash, the 1932 major low, 1937 crash, December 8, 1941, 1987 crash, 2000 Dot com collapse, the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 to the major low in 2009. Along with more recent price action.
Here's what others are saying.
"I can easily see that if one takes this approach that Patrick has discovered and spent time with it, it could make a huge difference, so I do recommend his book to anyone who wants to learn the numerological secrets that W.D. Gann most likely used in making many of his truly spectacular forecasts.
Patrick has shown that these pure numbers also show up in planetary longitudes, just like Gann used, so I have no doubt that this is the real key to finding the final solution to all stock market and other market problems."
Michael S Jenkins
Professional Trader and Publisher of the Stock Cycles Forecast
"If you think the markets are random, think again. There are many patterns that repeat themselves over and over again in the market, and you will see them if you are willing to look at them.
Patrick illustrates in this book that there is a rhyme and reason to the market that you can find, if you are willing to take the time! This book is not to teach you how to trade, but to have a better understanding of some of what W.D. Gann was looking at. It's a fascinating read for any real student of the market."
Carolyn Boroden
"Patrick has discovered a unique approach to 'squaring of price and time' at major reversals that should be of interest to every market technician, particularly those interested in the works of W.D. Gann."
Robert Miner
Patrick Hughes has worked as a Senior Technical Analyst, a securities broker, desk and private trader, as well as a personal trader for the president of an investment banking firm. While working at a firm as a Technical Research Analyst, he called in writing the minicrash of October 1997 within 5 S&P points.
He created a successful blog "Coffee with Gannfann," where he called for a major decline in 2007 on December 17, 2007 calling for the S&P 500 to drop 630 points before it happened. He called the bottom in the S&P 500 in time and price at 663 (666 was the actual low). He has 23 years' experience and has averaged a 7 year 530% return.
He can be reached at stockmarketharmony.com or gannfann@gmail.com