Still Going It Alone addresses issues common to women who have been at the task of single parenting for some seasons. These unique women now face the prospect of sending their children off to college, to a distant career site, or to be married and must continue to fulfill their ever-altering parental role. Moms with grown children also realize the need for wise financial planning and career re-assessment. Each single mom understands they may never re-marry, that growing old and retiring alone is a very real possibility. For many, the future looms in uncertainty. This resource book will provide practical hope and continually redirect women to the source of all comfort, God and His word.
About the Author: Michele Howe is a reviewer for Publishers Weekly,, Aspiring Retail, Foreword Magazine,,, among many others national and international publications. She has published over 1000 reviews/articles and has been featured on numerous radio shows across the country speaking on topics such as parenting and a diverse range of women's health issues. Her work has been published in MORE, FIRST for Women, Good Housekeeping, Christianity Today, Discipleship Journal, Midwest Living, Parentlife, Fullfill, Christian Single, Single Parent Family, Focus on the Family, and Connections. She also does copywriting and manuscript reviewing for several publishing houses including New Growth Press.
Michele is the author of ten books for women. Her book, "Going It Alone: Meeting the Challenges of Being a Single Mom" (Hendrickson Publishers), provided hope and practical helps for single moms new to parenting solo. She has also authored "Pilgrim Prayers for Single Mothers" (Pilgrim Press) and a third book of helps for single mothers titled, "Successful Single Moms" (Pilgrim Press.) In addition to these resources for single mothers, Michele wrote four separate titles combining real life stories with inspirational prayer retreats. These titles published by (Jossey-Bass) include: "Prayers for Homeschooling Moms," "Prayers to Nourish a Woman'''s Heart," "Prayers of Comfort and Strength" and "Prayers for New and Expecting Moms."
Her newest books include a follow-up resource to "Going it Alone" titled, "Still Going It Alone: Mothering with Faith and Finesse Once the Children Have Grown" (Hendrickson Publishers) and "Burdens Do a Body Good: Meeting Life's Challenges with Strength and Soul" co-authored with orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Christopher A. Foetisch (Hendrickson Publishers).
In addition to her article and books writing, Michele writes a weekly women's lifestyle and single parenting column at Read Michele's column at: http: // In line with her passion for working with single parents, Michele'''s resources offer encouragement to women of all ages by challenging them to exercise their combination of strengths, skills, and life wisdom in pursuit of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Recognizing that life is often difficult, women can learn how to recognize (and find solace in) significant life-markers and by so doing, acquire the strength to embrace their daily challenges.