In life, we will experience many trials and tribulations no matter our race, creed, color,
or religion. The fact is, we will have good days, bad days, and uncomfortable days.
The author was inspired to write this book after writing her first book, "Redeemed Restored
Recommissioned REVISED", and realized that her upbringing and life experiences
prepared her for many of the challenges and encounters she would have. In brief, she found
much of her strength, tenacity, and fortitude, not to give up so easily,
were those difficult experiences.
Therefore, she hopes that you would be encouraged as you read and come to know and
understand, that we are strengthened through our troubles. This includes the occasionally
disheartening times as well. And so, "Stay In The Race" of life and realize that,
"Life's A Journey". It's the process of adjusting and readjusting which teaches us to
persevere in patience.