The process of cooking food with high-temperature heat is called baking. Any heat source that can store heat for long periods of time, such as hot stones or hot ashes. When cooking, the heat is gradually transferred from the surface to the cooked food. When the temperature moves from outside to inside, for example in dough, the dough will leave a hard, dry crust and a soft center.
Since ancient times, bread has been widely used as an automatic bread maker in many societies. Now, many products such as cookies, cakes, biscuits, cakes and sweets are cooked. Cooking can also be combined with other methods of making grilled food.
Since ancient times, baking at home has been an important business for women and their families in society. In business, people began to work in restaurants and bakeries to occupy the local market. In the industrial age, cooking was also developed through automation in machines in large production plants, which made cooking a professional skill and professionalism, leading to the use of the term "baker".
However, the art of baking meets most of its basic requirements, because it is a common feeding method, in which baked goods such as bread and biscuits are common foods including cheap lifestyles. And cross-cultural.
In this book
You will learn:
✓Chemistry behind flour baking
✓Things to know about baking
✓Flour secrets
✓ How to make delicious breakfast, cookies and cakes
✓ Breads making
✓ Sweets
Don't wait, start to learn the secrets of flour baking.
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