The Bible warns all people to remain alert for specific end-of-the-age signs; as a "snare" the trauma will come upon "all". Right now a 66-year-old unelected world leader is in position, who matches each of the odd features given in the Scriptures to identify the Anti-Christ. Additionally, in Israel now a zealous Jewish group desires to perform Old Testament sacrificing on Solomon's ancient temple mount.
Here, in The Start and Finish of Man, facts show how these people together mirror the biblical players of the nearing final event Jesus calls the "abomination of desolation." You, the reader, will validate this information with a confirming chart presented in the book, that enables you to count, literally, "the number of his name", thereby personally fulfilling the commandment in the Book of Revelation!
The Start and Finish of Man contains unprecedented applied Bible matching facts that fully verify the "Great Tribulation" is on our doorstep. Read this book to protect your family, your church, and yourself.
A special note from the editor, Dr. Lon Ackelson: The Start and Finish of Man needs to be in the hands of as many pastors and their flocks as it can be. If the Anti-Christ is alive now, and persuasive evidence is presented in the book that he may be, then the time we have left until the tribulation period is launched on earth is not long. The Start and Finish of Man is a book for our times and needs to be promoted to as many people as you can.
Dr. Lon Ackelson, Th.D., Editor: The Start and Finish of Man
About the Author: Michael B. Woelfel retired from working as a commercial airline maintenance supervisor for twenty-four years. With new time available he pursued a longtime desire to understand Bible prophesy. Little did he realize the astounding warehouse of discoveries awaiting him.
Upon hearing that the single greatest end-of-the-age sign had just been uncovered, a friend and he flew to meet the discoverer. A Jewish Christian pastor, skilled in computer programming, introduced them to the key Biblical sign. Following this encounter and ten years of persistent study and writing, The Start and Finish of Man has emerged.
From an unlikely source, this iconic book brings into focus likely the most all-inclusive collection of biblical closing signals that have ever been assembled. Michael has 'mechanically' synchronized individual people of our era with Bible prophecy. The result, an indisputable panorama of man's near and final future. The Great Tribulation is real, it is before us now, and you, your family, and your church will doubtless be affected enormously. Uncomfortable as the subject is, it must begin to be addressed within families and churches. For you to have this detailed knowledge early will make you a leader. If you read one book beside your Bible this year, make it "The Start and Finish of Man".