Stardust on the spiritual path description
This is a book about consciousness, karma, relationships and free will, coming together as
essential elements of your spiritual journey as stardust, through many lives. Belief systems and
spirituality are explored to assist you in looking within to discover a higher meaning in life.
Elements of the mystical and the harshness of India come to light combined with modern
psychological and personal development in a collective wisdom. A way of perceiving to assist
you in creating a new enriching perspective for your soul journey as stardust. Yildiz Sethi
provides essential detail and information of aspects of a modern interpretation of how to live well.
She explains how an understanding of karma, vedic astrology, reincarnation, free will, destiny
and the process of family constellations may be utilised in making the most of yourself. Through
relationships and self-discovery, towards enlightenment. Yildiz takes you on a journey through a
character called Surya. Surya is you, me and humanity on many journeys through space and
time in facing many situations, gifts and challenges .She presents a range of ideas with life
stories throughout, to bring out the poignancy, conflicts and inspiration of being human and
leaves you will ideas and possibilities for yourself on your spiritual journey.
If you are desiring a bigger picture, that assimilates wisdom from the past with that of now, with
the lived experience of the tension of destiny and free-will, you will find this thought provoking
and expansive. Yildiz is much like all of you who have a passion and curiosity for knowledge and
most of all and seeking to make the most of your fallibility of being human in the face of so much
diversity on planet earth. She brings forward her experience as a mother, partner, grandmother
and friend, as well as that of a counsellor, hypnotherapist, vedic astrologer and family
constellations practitioner, that have helped to guide her in her own life and opens the door to
your experiences, inviting your own inner resources to come forward. Yildiz and her services
may be reached at