In the story's opening chapter, "The Mysterious Morning," the setting unfolds in Nova City, a vibrant metropolis bathed in the glow of neon lights that mimic a cosmic tapestry. This urban landscape serves as a backdrop to the life of Rubin, a teenage prodigy whose passion for technology fills his room with the hum of computers and the rhythmic dance of his fingers across a keyboard. Engrossed in developing an algorithm to predict the city's traffic patterns, Rubin's world is a chaotic blend of gadgets and innovation, mirroring the complexity of his thoughts.
However, this ordinary morning takes an unexpected turn when Rubin receives a frantic message from his longtime friend, Marcus. Known for his calm demeanor, Marcus's voice crackles with urgency, compelling Rubin to step out into the city. What greets him is a surreal scene: the once bustling streets of Nova City are hauntingly empty, devoid of the usual symphony of urban life.
Concerned and confused, Rubin calls out for Marcus, his voice echoing through the desolate streets. Soon, Marcus appears, visibly shaken, sharing his disbelief at the city's sudden emptiness. The mystery deepens with the arrival of Holli, a fearless and vibrant presence, who reveals a more alarming fact: all the adults, including their parents, have inexplicably disappeared.
This bizarre revelation sets the stage for a journey of discovery and resolve. Rubin, with his problem-solving mindset, seeks logical explanations, considering possibilities like an evacuation or an unknown city-wide drill. Yet, Marcus confirms there's no information or explanation available anywhere, adding to the eerie silence that has enveloped the city.