About the Book
parks are beautiful, a legacy from God, to love and protect globally. National Parks and all of nature, farm lands, crops and water are heavily polluted by abuses of corporations, and others wishing to profit and destroy these lands and seas of the world. Use of chemtrails, intentional un-natural disasters, creation by people of all kinds of disasters that can bedfall the earth using technologies such as HAARP stations x over a hundred, space fences times thousands, nuclear waste and radiation, these and more are used in Star Wars modern warfare in earth, outer space, and vicinity. Using plasma from the sun, gravity from space bodies, the gravity and power from nature, especially in national parks, is taking place for God knows only how long. The force of these activities and intentional genocide of all is not acceptable ever in the past or present or future. Soli Deo Gloria forever What to look for, study nature, study your life, study the skies and clouds, unnatural bright suns, high rate satellites, geometric measures in the skies, power pulls from the vast mountains of national parks and elsewhere to drive the mechanisms of Star Wars technology, using magnetism of the earth, and iron from the mountains, to harness energy for lawlessness and genocide globally. The moon is leaving earth's atmosphere outer space area at a very small amount, nevertheless, it is moving away slowly, and the notion of earth's gravity decreasing it's famous hold on the moon with the sun, can have a dire effect on all space bodies and God's creation, especially here on earth. The moon is integral with all God's creation, with every human and animal function, and plant function too. Study the world you live in, return to nature, return to a sustainable renewable world. Love the world you live in. For every child born, a minimum of ten to twenty trees should be planted, and nurtured, because the human impact on plants is considerable. Use of resources by humans is vast, and the vital importance of keeping the world better and not stripped and shredded with more people, is a must. Good things must be going into the earth and into the full diets of people and plants and animals...Nuclear energy must end, drilling for natural gas and oil must end as we know it, when it destroys vast pure water supplies for thousands of years. Responsible drilling, responsible use of resources, and solar power, wind power, natural clean sustainable power sources must be utilized. As it is every accident involving oil spills, or nuclear power waste and radiation accidents and incidents, are used for genocide, and are illegal in the eyes of God If you study Enoch you will find that the destruction of the earth began at the very beginning of God's creation and how God warned the world about desecrating his earth and how people were not to do this because God put together the earth, and what God puts together no man must put asunder ever
About the Author: INSIGHT TO SAVE THE WORLD AUTHOR LAUREL MARIE SOBOL Laurel is a seeker of justice and life, well being for God's creation. Believer in good stories about almost all genre, ages, subjects and materials. Believe once again that stories can be great and productive, teach with honor and love, made with honor and love of God for the world to be a better more splendid place. Whether it is nature stories, fairy tales, animals, poetry, education, planners, calendars, journals, home and garden, school and office, it is about bringing more of a good thing into your life. Soli Deo Gloria forever. https: //www.amazon.com/-/e/B006UYOMAO http: //astore.amazon.com/httpswwwcreat0a-20 *** https: //laurelsobol.tumblr.com http: //livewelllivefreeforever.tumblr.com http: //beeautifulbees.tumblr.com http: //nationalparksglobal.tumblr.