About the Book
Collect them all, Outer atmosphere is a star wars in progress Seen in the skies, hidden by eyes, yet felt With illness, as HAARP, electronic warfare, chemtrail toxin emissions, other toxins... Goes on everywhere, no fish, no whale, no animal, no tree, no plant, no water, no food, no people, nothing is left untouched be those who implement genocide against all God's creation. Manmade and steered destruction of manufactured at the hands of men and women, mostly elite corporations, waging war, inflicting homelessness and death, warfare by floods, earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, and disease dispersal as insurance CEO's turn a blind eye as the destruction ensues. Millions of people displaced, homeless, homes destroyed or becoming a penny to the dollar or less after the demise. Millions of miles of space fences, lasers, drones, cell towers, manmade gathered plasma of the sun, harnessed and magnified with combined technologies, keep the shroud of death filled with hideous toxins mainly from nuclear power plants and their waste and byproducts creating fowl and diseased air. Using toxins further from these same toxic agents in foods, drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy and chemo radiation treatments is the most God awful crimes in the history of the world... Yes you do have a say, you have a right to know, about the genocide in effect globally, you can say stop it now, and stop supporting the corporations involved in these heinous crimes against God's creation now and forever....don't buy into their 400 billion tax dollar bailouts or more, don't pay for their subsidies on toxic products, put these criminals in jail and strip them of their illegal funding generated by zero gold in the illegal Federal Corporation built to fund their illegal activities seen for the last hundred or so years.... Above the earth melding with the inner and Outer atmosphere is a star wars in progress Seen in the skies, hidden by eyes, yet felt With illness, as HAARP, electronic warfare Goes on everywhere, no fish, no whale, no animal, no tree, no plant, no water, no food, no people, nothing is left untouched be those who implement genocide against all God's creation. Manmade and steered destruction of manufactured at the hands of men and women, mostly elite corporations, waging war, inflicting homelessness and death, warfare by floods, earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, and disease dispersal as insurance CEO's turn a blind eye as the destruction ensues. Millions of people displaced, homeless, homes destroyed or becoming a penny to the dollar or less after the demise. Millions of miles of space fences, lasers, drones, cell towers, manmade gathered plasma of the sun, harnessed and magnified with combined technologies, keep the shroud of death filled with hideous toxins mainly from nuclear power plants and their waste and byproducts creating fowl and diseased air. Using toxins further from these same toxic agents in foods, drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy and chemo radiation treatments is the most God awful crimes in the history of the world...
About the Author: Please join over 8 billion people globally to restore human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. Soli Deo Gloria Author Laurel Marie Sobol Almost two thousand books, and almost a thousand videos, many interactive books go with videos with same or similar names for ultimate educational and entertainment experiences of nature, national and state parks, journals, baking, lifestyle and fashion, and fairy tales... A special sharing caring story from my heart...I began my life a caring person, as I grew my walk with God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, Mother Mary and the angels on high, grew as well. My walk with Jesus and Mary grew spontaneously when I was about 17 and I needed sincere loyal friendships in my heart that would last a lifetime and beyond. https: //www.amazon.com/Laurel-Marie-Sobol/e/B006UYOMAO/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 http: //astore.amazon.com/httpswwwcreat0a-20 Sacred places, enjoy Laurel Sobol youtube channel too https: //www.youtube.com/user/laurelsobol