About the book- The book “standards on auditing - a Practitioner's guide†is a very useful tool for statutory auditors of corporate entities. The book has been divided in two divisions. Division I, has the key Highlights and practice pointer issues on standards on auditing and standards for engagement, review, related services (SAS, saes, sres, srss). it contains the interpretation on of these "engagement and quality control standards", in simple language, along with analysis of critical issues faced during implementation. It aims to assist the auditor in drafting various types of reports & letters and resolving challenges faced during an engagement. In division II, detailed Audit checklist has been provided for relevant items of financial statements, including MAT liability or credit and Caro 2016 with clause by clause Specimen reporting. This division also covers the practice pointers for accounting Standards on various issues. Key features - Key points of all the engagement and quality control standards (eqcs) issued by Isai - Practice pointers on Audit queries under eqcs with recommendations - Audit checklists for various items of financial statements under accounting Standards' Compliant schedule III - Practice pointers on accounting queries and recommendations under accounting Standards - Caro, 2016 - checklists and Specimen reporting.About the AuthorCA Kamal Garg, Insolvency Professional CA Kamal Garg is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and a First Class Commerce Baccalaureate from Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi and an academic resource partner in KGMA, Delhi. He has also qualified post qualification course on Diploma in Information System Audit (DISA) conducted by ICAI. Besides this, he is also an Insolvency Professional registered with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI). He was also the member of Board of Studies (BOS) Study Material Research Group (2009-2010) of NIRC of ICAI and a special invitee member of the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) [2012-2013] and Ind-AS (IFRS) Implementation Committee [2014-2015] of ICAI. He was also nominated as a special invitee member to the Committee on Banking, Insurance and Pension (2014-2015) of NIRC of ICAI. He is also the faculty resource of Ethical Standards Board (ESB) and Peer Review Board (PRB) of ICAI. He is also a key resource person for development and review of various study contents and webcasts for BOS of ICAI, such as study material and practice manual on Advanced Auditing for CA Final, e-Lectures for CA IPCC and CA Final studies, etc. Besides being a regular guest speaker for IFRS and Management Development Programmes at IBC & PKG, Mumbai, ICAI, ICSI, he is also an author of over dozens of book(s) and commentaries on and including ‘Ind AS - A Ready Reckoner’ ‘IFRS and Ind AS Concepts and Applications’, ‘Accounting Standards and IFRS’, ‘Series of Books on Companies Act, 2013, ‘Guide to Tax Audit u/s 44AB’, ‘CARO, 2016’, ‘Foreign Direct Investments in India’, Auditors’ Practice Manual’, ‘Handbook on Company’s Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account under Schedule III, ‘Handbook on Internal Auditing’, ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’, 'Interim Financial Reporting', ‘Guide to International Taxation’, ‘Understanding Goods and Service Tax (GST)', ‘Corporate and Allied Laws including Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code’, ‘Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code - a Ready Reckoner’, ‘Professional Approach to Advanced Auditing’ for CA (Final) studies and ‘Systematic Approach to Auditing’ for CA (PCC) studies. He has to his credit the contribution of ‘Gist of Accounting Standards and Auditing and Assurance Standards’ for Vol. 2 of Company Law and various articles for NIRC and CIRC of ICAI Newsletter on FBT, MAT, US-SOX, CARO, FEMA, etc. and a series of articles on ‘Delhi Value Added Tax (DVAT) - Taxation, Accounting and Auditing Aspects’ for the Journal Tax and Corporate Referencer (TCR) i