Short stories raising readers with a comprehensive toolbox for overcoming and preventing bullying problems. Helpful character education resource on what to do when witnessing bullying. Starring children from the MVP Kids. Includes discussion guide for parents & educators.
Each story features healthy, safe, and kind strategies when confronting bullying. In Stand Together Against Bullying follows three stories: Lucas is on a hike with his boy scout group when he refuses to participate in social bullying by ignoring a socially-awkward boy. Faith uses her strongest, bravest voice to stop two kids mentally intimidating another student after drama practice. Leo leans on the support of his friends to stop a big bully from picking on someone half his size.
This book features a range of children, and diversity is shown in positive ways with characters that span various cultures, ethnicities, family situations, physical challenges and more. Readers of all backgrounds will see themselves in these pages while learning to value the diversity within their own community and being exposed to differences from around the world.
The very-real emotions of satisfaction of saving others are highlighted. The family discussions in the text remind young readers how positive character traits triumph over doing nothing.
About S.T.A.N.D. mini-series!
The character traits imparted by STAND (Stand tall, Tell an adult, Act bravely, Notice your surroundings, Display kindness) kids include: confidence builders; reminders about informing grown-ups about certain situations; practical advice for situational awareness; and a reminder to never bully or react to bullies in ways that make you angry or hurtful. Young readers will recognize the traits reinforced in each story. Each book recaps the STAND pledge, making it easy to share in co-reading or group discussion. The pledge relates to how the stories end in different ways with some bullies reformed and others not and school leaders contacted as a way to help and more.
1. STAND Up to Bullies: help kids who are bullied by others
2. STAND Together Against Bullying: inspire children to be upstanders instead of bystanders
3. STAND Down Bullies: teaches empathy and kindness to kids who exhibit and struggle with bullying behaviors
About the Help Me Become series
The Help Me Become series hardcover and paperback books promote character growth for children ages 4-10. Each book helps kids deal with real-life social situations like bullying and bad sportsmanship while learning to keep promises, be responsible, tell the truth, and more. Each title in the series features three stories starring MVP Kids and includes a Think & Talk About It section to coach parents & educators.
About MVP Kids
Families with a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds drive the inspiration for child education and social emotional learning. MVP Kids enables real-world kids to address the challenges in their lives through story-based character lessons where the kids interact at school, in social situations, and in their communities. MVP Kids board books enrich preschool readers while hardcovers and paperbacks focus on school-aged children. Each MVP Kids book includes extensive coaching information for parents and educators that promotes character education, wise decision-making skills, and social and emotional learning.