"What Stephen McCaskell has done for us in this book is to bring back the forgotten Spurgeon-the Spurgeon who speaks clearly about what the true gospel really is."
Conrad Mbewe (PhD, University of Pretoria), pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia; author, Foundations for the Flock
"We all have hills we're willing to die on. For Charles Haddon Spurgeon, that hill was Calvinism. God's sovereign work of salvation wasn't a preference-it was a matter of life or death. It was the lifeblood of his ministry, and Spurgeon's Calvinism puts this truth on display for all to see."
Aaron Armstrong, author, Contend and Awaiting a Savior; blogger at www.BloggingTheologically.com
"The notion that embracing a high view of God, His word, and His gospel will lead to antinomian carelessness or a loss of evangelistic zeal can only be held disingenuously after acquainting oneself with Spurgeon's Calvinism."
Matthew Robinson, producer of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically - www.MediaGratiae.org
"When preparing for battle a wise General studies the best intelligence before committing troops. Likewise, when it comes to understanding the theology of how God saves, a wise student of the Bible will take the time to see what C.H. Spurgeon said on the topic."
Josh Williamson, evangelist, Josh Williamson Ministries - www.JoshWilliamson.org