A Spouse Who Prays is simple, doable, beautiful, and it will give you the motivation and tools you need to make praying for your spouse and marriage a priority this year-and always.Perhaps there is no greater gift we can give our marriage and our spouse than the gift of our prayers. As husbands and wives we entered into a covenant with our spouse and with God on our wedding day, promising to nurture this sacred relationship, which is like none other in our lives. Often we turn to frustration, disappointment, argument, hopelessness, or maybe even just forgetfulness and complacency before we turn to prayer for our marriage. Or perhaps we may pray for our spouse, but our prayer feels rote or inconsistent. Maybe none of these dispositions describe you - maybe you are already intentional, dynamic, and devout in your prayer for your spouse and your marriage and you just want to stay the course. No matter what your prayer life looks like in this regard, this journal was written for you.
A Spouse Who Prays can be a powerful source for good in your marriage and in your spouse's life, if you are open to the way in which the Holy Spirit wants to work through you and through your prayers.
The journal will take you through praying for an increase in the theological virtues, the cardinal virtues, the fruits and gifts of the Spirit, as well as other virtues and intentions especially important in marital life, those intentions which reside deeply in the hearts of most married men and women whether or not we realize or vocalize it.
This beautifully simple prayer journal contains:
- 52 unique special intentions for your spouse and marriage
- Scripture verses and marriage-themed quotes to reflect on
- Space for writing specific intentions and spiritual bouquets you want to offer for your spouse
- Recommendations for how to use the journal and prayer ideas
This prayer guide can certainly remain a private journal. However, there is customizable space inside to personalize the journal should you choose to gift it to your spouse.
This journal is part of a series. Other titles include "A Parent Who Prays," "A Grandparent Who Prays," and journals for godparents, sponsors, teachers, as well as Spanish language parent journals.
Other spiritual life and family prayer resources can be found at KatieWarner.com.