"Spite House," book seven of the Old Town mystery series, continues the series begun by John Adam Wasowicz in 2017 with "Daingerfield Island," which introduced readers to attorney Mo Katz and his entourage of crime solvers.
Katz, now returned to private practice after service as U.S. Attorney, accepts the case of Roxie Neele, a local cremudgeon who lives in a 'spite house, ' one of a handful of tiny structures built in Old Town in the 1800s to "spite" the neighbors.
Roxie stands accused of murdering her neighbor Trudy Vine with a poison cupcake.
Roxie's case unfolds against the backdrop of the ongoing killing spree of Rose Bud, a serial killer who terrorizes the community.
Unknown to others, Roxie has elicited Mo's support in an effort to end Rose Bud's reign of terror. She believes that only Mo Katz possesses the legal acumen to spin a defense to catch a criminal in an unrelated case.
Once Mo discerns Roxie's motivation, the twosome unite in a spirited effort to expose the serial killer, who is hiding in plain sight.
"Spite House" combines courtroom scenes with a fast-paced narrative set in Old Town. The story culminates as Rose Bud -- whose identity has been revealed -- seeks to punish Roxie and Mo for unmasking him by burning down the spite house.
"Spite House" is a continuation of the series based in Old Town Alexandria. Along with Mo Katz, the series features Deputy Police Chief Sherry Stone, private investigator Curtis Santana, legal researcher Mai Lin, city prosecutor David Reese, social worker Abby Snowe, and U.S. Senator Abraham Lowenstein.
Additional titles in the series include "Jones Point" (2019), "Slaters Lane" (2020), "Roaches Run" (2021), Gadsby's Corner" (2022), and "Hazel Falls" (2023).