About the Book
NU SPIRITUALITY IN A NU AGE--FROM THE LAWS OF THE JUNGLE TO THE LAWS OF LOVE takes the position that we cannot hope to attain peace on our planet without sharing a spiritual foundation for that peace, and we are very fortunate in this regard: - When we compare ten of the greatest religions all around the world, we find that they concur on at least 50 behaviors and beliefs at about a 95% level of agreement. - Further, we find that these ten religions fall rather clearly into two separate groups--first what we call "evolutionary" religions in the East, meaning they develop "naturally"--Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism; and second what we call "revealed" religions in the West, meaning they develop by "revelation" from higher spiritual entities than those on earth--The Old Testament, The New Testament, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, The Urantia Book, A Course in Miracles, The Revealed Translation of John's Revelation Given by the Lord Jesus Christ, and The Historical Fulfillment of John's Revelation as Revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ. - Further, when we compare these eight different "Bibles" that contain the texts of the single revealed religion in the West, we find that they all tell very much the same story, with at least 25 characters--including one pair of artifacts --which appear rather consistently throughout these eight Bibles. Their appearances range from Jesus, who appears is all eight of these Bibles, to the pair of artifacts called "Urim and Thummim," which were used to "translate" religious texts, and which appear in two of these eight Bibles: 1. Jesus, 2.Gabriel, 3. Melchizedek, 4. Adam and Eve, 5. Noah, 6. Abraham, 7. Lot, 8. Ishmael, 9. Isaac, 10. Jacob, 11. Joseph, 12. Moses, 13. Aaron, 14. Joshua, 15. David, 16. Solomon, 17. Elizabeth, the Mother of John the Baptist, 18. Zacharias, the Father of John the Baptist, 19. John the Baptist, 20. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, 21. Joseph, the Father of Jesus, 22. Simon Peter, Jesus' Apostle, 23. James Zebedee, Jesus' Apostle, 24. John Zebedee, Jesus' Apostle and Author of the Book of Revelation, 25. Urim and Thummim. - It is the purpose of this book on a "nu approach to spirituality" to present all of these religions and Bibles in such a fashion that their similarities and differences become clear in order to help bring peace to our planet. It is not going to be easy to bring peace to a planet with as many problems as we have, but it is going to be an exhilarating experience using all of these highest spiritual teachings available to us to do it, and to exhaust the rest of our lives to help accomplish it. Our guarantee of success is that we have our most revered spiritual teacher to guide us through it all --Jesus. So let's join our efforts in this greatest of all endeavors to bring peace to our planet, then not stop until it is done; and use the common spiritual principles of all these religions to help us defeat Global Warming as a unified planet.