Spirituality in general and in the workplace in particular has received heightened attention
not only in the popular press but also in the business and management literature and in
research (Fry, 2003; Gotsis & Kortezi, 2008; Kolodinsky, Giacalone, & Jurkiewicz, 2008;
Konz & Ryan, 1999; McLaughlin, 1998; Pawar, 2009a). The phenomenon of connecting
spirituality to work has now become a part of the popular culture. Evidences of workplace
spirituality have become a significant movement and can be easily found (Conlin, 1999;
McKee, 2003). Garcia-Zamor (2003) stated that over 300 books on workplace spirituality
were in bookstores in 1999 which in 2001 captured a niche market of $2.2 billion (Lewis,
2001). Some examples of such books are: A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America
(Mitroff & Denton, 1999a), Liberating the Corporate Soul (Barrett, 1998), Spirit at Work
(Conger, 1994), The Soul of Business: Managing for Profit and the Common Good
(Chappell, 1993), Leading with Soul (Bolman & Deal, 1995), and The Heart Aroused:
Poetry and Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America (Whyte, 1994). Aburdene
(2007) in her latest book, Megatrend 2010, stated that the presence of spirituality in
business has become so pervasive that it is the greatest megatrend of this decade. Further,