For decades, America has been under siege spiritually and politically. Evil craves power and control. It is patient, arrogant, and eloquent. It seduces with feelings, fear, lies, and good intentions. Evil detests truth, common sense, free will, free press, our sovereignty, our Constitution, our Bible, our God, and our guns. Goodness cherishes them.
SPIRITUAL PRESCRIPTIONS injects the brain with faith, hope, and wisdom. It vaccinates the spirit against self-pity, depression, and the subconscious conditioning of public schools. It vanquishes fallacies, falsehoods, and fears. It exposes the progressive lies proliferated by false prophets including psychologists, doctors, pharmacists, parents, politicians, the press, preachers, and teachers.
This country has one of the world's highest standards of living. Depression, drug use and suicide are rampant. So why are so many Americans miserable? They are starving for spiritual nutrition. Truth and wisdom satisfy the soul and sooth the cerebrum. People need to know the vital importance of honesty, effort, discipline and the dire dangers of dishonesty and laziness. They need to realize the importance of parents, the purpose of pain, the perils of pampering and the fallacy of feelings. People need to know how students are intentionally groomed for socialism, not capitalism. Capitalism requires performance and effort, not laziness. Subconsciously sabotaged by classroom conditioning, pampered pupils are ill prepared to deal with the real world. They are anti-capitalism and will vote for socialism! They want bigger government, not less. They want the government to keep care of them. When the world doesn't conform to them, the coddled kids protest, attack others, and destroy property. In order to "feel" better, the delusional dissenters turn to alcohol, drugs, and suicide. Psychologists, politicians, parents, and teachers can't comprehend the crisis because they created the epidemics.
"To educate a person in mind and not morals is to educate a menace to society, " Theodore Roosevelt
The author dives into the D.C. swamp and uncovers mind-boggling corruption that extends far beyond our borders. People need to know the about the Gulen Charter schools, Gladio B, military and CIA drug smuggling operations, the political weaponization of the FBI and the Department of Justice, the Deep State, the IRS, secret NSA surveillance, fake intelligence, the false press, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip, globalization, mass immigration, the nanny state, Marc Rich, the Seth Rich murder (among many), George Soros, Saul Alinsky, the Bush/Cheney Military Industrial Complex, the Clinton Cartel Foundation and Obama's corrupt, Chicago connections. Communist and radical Muslim forces have now joined forces to destroy and subvert America to globalism and The New World Order.
Despite a seeminly bleak and dark future, SPIRITUAL PRESCRIPTIONS offers hope. God and goodness will prevail over corruption, radical Muslims, the CIA, the FBI, globalism, the New World Order and pure evil. Corruption and vile behavior are disgusting and repulsive to God. Good people will witness the purging and the retribution of the unjust. It will reinforce one's faith and trust in God's love and goodness.
People need to know that liberals and progressives are like termites gnawing at the moral, educational, judicial, financial, Constitutional, and Christian foundation of this country. Intellectuals profess to be too smart for Christianity. Perhaps they aren't smart enough. They keep throwing the baby out with the dirty bathwater. SPIRITUAL PRESCRIPTIONS separates the wheat from the chaff and saves the beloved baby.