About the Book
There are many different levels of Obedience, get my book called Spiritual Obedience, in that book, we talk about many of the different formats there is of obedience, such as, direct obedience, spiritual obedience, and immediate obedience. The word obedience has been mistakenly used for the word authority, they are different, but, they do work together, and they can work against one another, it all depends on the set mindsets that are in place at the time that the situation comes about, for example: we see in political structure of this day {January of 2015} the mindset in place of the House and Congress is against the President, and their idea is to Block whatever the President is trying to do, but on the other hand, they want their agenda pushed and wants the president to go along with whatever they say, even though they won't agree on anything he says or does.It was said to me at one point and time that when you take something that has an appointed use, and you take it out of that certain field of structure, what you then are left with is abuse, for example: when I had my handyman service going, there were many times I needed a chisel for some appointed reason, couldn't find one fast enough so, I used a screwdriver, by pounding on the screwdriver like that, I broke several handles, and even chipped the tooth on the screwdriver once, why? Because the screwdriver that I was using was not designed for that. So the Bible says that God has plans for us, {Jeremiah 1:5} then it says that God has other ideas for us too, {Jeremiah 29:11} many of us are here for a particular purpose, the sad part is, most of us have no clue as to what that purpose is.We will be discussing the notes that should have gone into seven other books that are now published works, these are not rejected notes, but information that should have been used, but in the format of listening to the effectual changes of the spirit, certain pages were pushed aside, until now, so, all seven of these books are coming together to recreate one new work.Spiritual obedience is about opening up ones self to the greater that is within him or her, by doing so, we can then become the visionary that we have been appointed to become, the visionary however is profoundly blessed by God to be the very best that we could imagine, but even greater than we imagined, the word says that; if you can think or imagine it, God can do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can think or imagine. Visionaries are normal everyday people, many are called out by others as either rebellious or evil, but, it is because they listen to God speaking through the Holy Spirit to them, and seemingly, they go in a totally different direction than most would expect. See, visionaries usually go against the grain, they normally take for theirs that information that God gives them, and by doing so, the lord blesses them to go further faster and get more done. When a visionary wants change, he or she will usually administrate what needs to happen, then tell why, the visionary sees what others do not, they take hold of a different line of responsibility, because they want to see positive change happen. most visionaries will apply everything that the Lord has put within them to justify that change is needed, they then will go all out to see that come to pass, by using and utilizing their gifts in direct obedience to what the Lord has said, they then try harder to bless others through the change that is evident.Faith, real, true, Divine Faith, prompts us to live a life, designed by the Lord, not through the avenues of the flesh, it is through much corruption, that many of us find ourselves lacking in the evidence that God exists within us. we are a spiritual based people, loaded down in the authority and the powers of worship, it is through Praise and worship that our true identity is revealed, which is sons a daughters of the most high God. through the years of study under my many mentors.
About the Author: Mom, Jennie Melton, my brothers Michael, Tommy, and Robert, all live in Richmond Virginia, my sister, father, and step father and god father all have gone on before me, my sister, Sherry Fleming, my father, Elder Ollie Fobbs, my step father, Leon Melton, all of Richmond Virginia, and my godfather Fred Bates of Henrico Virginia, have all danced with the Lord. Like my father, I too was Ordained as a minister to teach the will of God, The Glory of Jesus Christ, and to foretell of the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of Heaven, being Ordained in 1986, brought forth a firestorm of rejection that I was not expecting. My first wife was divorced from me by then, her name is Robinette General, we were married in 1983, but my son didn't come along until 1986, the same year that I was ordained. My second wife Joyce Smith came along the following year, we were married in 1988. By now it was time for me to enter the new world of responsibility, so I joined the military in 1988, was sent to Germany, and two years later, I was on my way home to Virginia, ready to be divorced, that's all I'm saying. By now, many of the troubles in my body had already come forth to hinder my life, but what was getting ready to happen was totally unexpected. Life got hard fast, and my health went down hill fast, work was done on an as could basis, so, I constantly jumped from temp company to temp company, until I finally went homeless, this was the second time, this lasted until the winter hit, and my mother told me to come stay with her. The American church had denied my right to teach the word, so I was a teacher where ever I was, even in the grocery stores, the laundry mat, the video stores, the porn shops, if I could catch a listful ear, (ANYONE WILLING TO LISTEN) the word of God went forth. I started a little lamp making company to make lamps and other things from pop sickle sticks, never got any orders so, I let that go, then I started a cleaning company, which later turned into a handyman service, this lasted almost thirty years, I started a little church in Church Hill of Richmond VA. The two years it was up and running, we just had semi private services in one of the homes of a member. When the call came to move to North Carolina, I asked a member if he would step up to pastor the church, he said no, so we shut it down. Life with my present wife has been great, and God has truly been good to us, and now, more than ever, i can finally see door opening that were not previously open.