Since ancient times and for thousands of years, from Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt and China to Europe, much was the knowledge found and developed to promote a better lifestyle and health. But, for some reason, we have abandoned this path and entered another, of emotional turmoil, physical pain and diseases.
Building itself from the premise that, regarding the meaning of life and purpose of each individual on Earth, spirituality represents the beginning and end of each life-cycle, this book combines the most important words of wisdom from different sources and historical periods, not leaving any important perspective aside. Here, religion and science, among other studies and ancient traditions with thousands of years, are interrelated in an obvious, efficient and practical approach.
Beyond the philosophies of Taoism, Hinduism, Catholicism and Buddhism, as well as the theories of the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics, it's shown here how each one of these studies is incomplete without an assimilating acknowledgment of their relation, while allowing an unveiling of the parameters of our Spiritual DNA and experiences on Earth.
This Spiritual DNA, just like our Biological DNA, is unique and personal, but included in a wider spectrum of needs and reasons, justifying its existence as an imprint of our spiritual journey throughout many lives. It is the key of life and death, the key to paradise and also to the wisdom of God.
While avoiding an esoteric or mystical description, as many other books about this topic tend to portray, this knowledge includes very specific and pragmatic methods that can easily be verified and experienced by anyone. It's all about the uniqueness of this immortal truth.
The truth about our Spiritual DNA isn't bound by any religious believe in particular, scientific recognition or social acceptance, because it is supreme to all of them. Every single event in human history and all manifestations of human intellect and creativity, have been using and demonstrating it. And, the current degenerative lifestyle, with all its violence, insanity and diseases, is a consequence of our detachment from this source of life.
The Spiritual DNA is responsible for the multiplication of our Biological DNA in more than two strings, our enlightenment and our wisdom. Studying it, is vital for the whole future of the human race and our freedom as spiritual beings.
Throughout history, many were those taking advantage of this knowledge to enslave mankind, promote themselves, create religions with millions of followers, or secret societies of very powerful individuals. But, everything changes now, with this book. This holy manual can change the world; may it start with you!