Spirit Is The Cosmic All - Power has been purposefully written to complement, interpret, simplify, illuminate, and most of all validate the most intimate experiences (particularly the intuitive ones) we are having (and cannot talk about for various reasons) in every one of our living moments. It is true our Divine Parent, the Divine Parent of our spirit, is always and continuously related and/or directly connected with us so intimately as to be no different as the connection a baby has with its mother when that baby is in the mother's womb. This relationship is immutable (unchangeable) and it is real (immutable reality). We are currently (and have ever been) in direct communication with this reality, as it has been informing us every since we have been alive.
Upon our realization that the human spirit is human life and is divine, we will understand that we do not need to earn the right to live. These words shall be understood not as a statement of economic heresy, but one of liberation and truth. Once the people of this world understand this fact, survival will crumble and an unending abundance will flourish in its place.
Spirit Is The Cosmic All - Power is a story in poetry. It is the human story of a lost and forgotten spiritual legacy and heritage written exclusively in an original metered rhyme. The book has been rendered in a poetic verse designed specifically to appeal to two basic attitudes of human reason: Insight and Justice.
It is a poetic rendition that topically and subjectively delves into our current orientation to life. It elaborates upon the realities of apprehending life correctly and also aims to reorient us out of the disorientation that has been our past and may presently be our confused state or way of living.
Poetically, the book is designed to generate in us a revelation by delivering insight about the reality of our identity as the Spirit and our connectedness to the Cosmic All. A restitution of our spiritual legacy and heritage is initiated by clarifying the means to access justice by being free of injustices.
The material contained within this book prompts the memory and encourages a shift in perspective and perception. The idea is to stimulate us with the inspiration to be who we have forgotten we are.
Since the pursuit of this project (or mission) of "The Spirit Is The Cosmic All - Power", I have been predisposed to delivering this "revelation of Spirit" as a threefold message. The poetic purpose here is to deliver a message about the universal Spirit, namely we are it. The poetic principal (reason) behind this book is to deliver a message about spiritual objectives, namely our Soul is "for" ever. The poetic plan is for readers to re-member and to re-understand a message about a new beginning for "the becoming" because "The Bodies Are Here". "The Spirit Is The Cosmic All - Power", "The Soul Is 'For' Ever" and "The Bodies Are Here" lists some of the titles that are associated with the next nine books in which it is hoped that a complete delivery shall be accomplished with the message for which I have undertaken to be responsible.