Speak English Like Australians! has 32 true stories. You can hear them for free on YouTube when you search for Zoe Lambreas. Literacy and Migrant English and secondary learners enjoy the novel of 32 stories. Everyone relates to the stories and remember their own experiences from their childhood. Topics include: family, kindness, arranged marriages, relationships, racism, cultural awareness, praying, language barrier, space travel, Anzac Day, The Queen; tolerance, patience, beauty, etc.) Easy for readers with dyslexia because of line spacing and context images.
This easy-to-read novel is helpful to literacy students and migrants, as they will share the experiences in the book. ENJOY reading about the 1950s and 60s, written by a girl whose parents migrated from war-torn Greece and settled in country Victoria, Australia. The stories are honest and sometimes funny.
Also, there are four fun companion Grammar & Activities Textbooks with answers, which can be used with this novel to improve: reading, listening, spelling, vocabulary, idioms, slang, grammar, verb tenses, conversation, writing, proverbs, phonograms, parts of speech, chants and more!
For more information please go to the following website: https: //www.speaklikeaustralians.com
To improve your pronunciation and reading listen to the stories as you read along, by going on YouTube and then searching for Zoe Lambreas.