If you are looking for a complete spanish language lesson strategy, then keep reading...We made it a priority to make this book as useful and as simple as possible; a book you can use anytime, anywhere. Each dialogue is short and straightforward enough so that you can quickly go through them in the morning while waiting in line for coffee, during your commute, or while on your lunch break. This book has been designed so that you can study each lesson at your convenience, regardless of where you are or how much time you have available.
One great feature about this book is that you don't have to go through the entire book at once. You can pick and choose any lesson or section depending on your particular interest or need. For example, if you are vacationing in Spain and are planning on going out with some Spanish-speaking friends, you can go straight to the lesson on ordering a drink at bar or a meal at a restaurant. In doing so, you will get the language you need right when you need it.
When you find a lesson that you are interested in practicing, you can use this book to roleplay the conversations. Since most conversations have two characters, you can practice them in pairs. As for the dialogues that have three of four characters, you can get more friends involved or just take turns reading out each character. Roleplaying is a fun and effective way of getting the most out of these dialogues.
Now, if you happen to be studying on your own, don't be shy to read out each role on your own. In fact, reading out loud is one of the best ways with which you can begin to get the hang of speaking Spanish. Practicing on your own in this way is great because it helps solidify the language in your mind and help it stick long-term.
This book covers the following topics:
- Common Phrаѕеѕ
- Everyday phrases
- Verbs
- Prepositions
- Adverbs
- Pronouns
- Articles
- Adjectives
- Easy Spanish Phrases
- Common Words
- Common word used in context
- Pronunciation and Basic Conversation in Spanish
- Basic grammar: building sentences
- Numbers - Numeros & Time and Date- Dia y Fecha
- How to Read and Write in Spanish
- Principal and Basic Rules
- Tips for learning a new language (consejos para aprender un nuevo idioma)
...And much more
Also, as you get the hang of Spanish and become more advanced, you can tailor and tweak these conversations to suit your own personal style and taste. We have taken great care to provide you with expressions you can use right out of the box. Most phrases are simple and are written in such a way with which you can choose words to create your own unique sentences later on. For example, you can do this by mixing and matching more formal expressions with less formal ones, or even substituting specific language suc