You Are About To Discover Stuff You Didn't Know About The Spanish Flu, To Develop An Above Average Understanding Of One Of The Worst Pandemics In Human History And How You Can Use That Knowledge To Understand And Survive The Current One!
With an estimated 50 million people having succumbed to the Spanish Flu of 1918, it is no wonder that with the current pandemic in full swing, references to the Spanish Flu have become a lot more common.
But ask anyone to talk about the Spanish Flu for five minutes and they will run out of things to talk about! Yes, while many people refer to the Spanish Flu casually, very few people actually have done any research to understand such things like how it actually started, how it was transmitted, its signs and symptoms, how people died, which parts of the world were most affected and much more.
Perhaps that explains your curiosity to want to know all about the Spanish Flu in detail. By virtue that you are reading this, you probably have all manner of questions going through your mind:
How exactly did the Spanish Flu start and where did it start?
How did it spread around the world; which part was the most affected?
What signs and symptoms did those who contract the Spanish Flu have?
How did the people of the day deal with the widespread infection?
What treatment measures were being used to help patients?
How does it compare with the current pandemic?
What was the economic and social impact of the Spanish Flu?
How did the Spanish Flu stop being a problem?
If so, you came to the right place because this book will ensure you get all the answers to these and many more questions to understand the ins and outs of the Spanish flu, viruses, safety precautions against serious outbreaks and the current one.
Here is a tiny bit of what you'll learn from it:
- What the Spanish flu is, and why it's referred to as the Spanish flu
- How the Spanish Flu came into being
- How it affected people, killed and became an epidemic
- What a virus and a viral infection are
- Why viruses are risky
- How viruses are transmitted
- Where and when the Spanish flu broke out
- What a pandemic really is, in relation to the Spanish Flu
- How different a pandemic flu is from a regular flu
- The side effects of regular flu
- How the flu infection is spread
- How you can treat a pandemic flu
- How bad a pandemic flu can be, and whether you should get concerned
- How you can prepare yourself for a pandemic flu in simple steps
- How to prevent contracting the flu
- How the Spanish affected the world economy in 1918
- The risk assessment of pandemics
- How to deal with a pandemic in simple steps
- A comparison between the current pandemic and the Spanish flu
- The strategies economies adopted in 1918 to fight the Spanish flu
...And so much more!
Yes, even if studying pandemics and their history has never been your cup of tea, this book comes at a time when understanding our past may be critical in going through our future! And it explains everything using simple, straightforward language that you can follow.
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