The 1918 "Spanish flu " was an infectious epidemic with a high level of contagion capacity, with an explosive eruption in the world, and which developed in three stages or waves. The first arrived in Spain in the spring and, despite its rapid expansion in the cities, particularly in Madrid, it showed a deceptive benign character. The second wave reached the rural world as of September, producing a real devastation in towns with little preparation or means with which to face such a virulent epidemic. The Spanish Levante, the Castilian plateau and the north, were the scenes of a very high mortality rate among a population in a state of panic and fear. The third wave only increased mortality, albeit more slowly, since early 1919.
This book measures an in depth evaluation of 1918 Spanish flu, it's the deadliest in the world, affecting every living creature, including the world economy, having various mental and psychological effects on people who witnessed it.
Inside this book, you will learn:
✓ The whole history of the Spanish flu, dated and historical.
✓ The beginning of the flu, how and why it happened.
✓ The reason why it's called the Spanish flu
✓ The symptoms of the flu
✓ The second and third waves of the flu and it's socio economic effects
✓ Various trials and invention of cures
✓ Different measures taken by the government and scientist to lower it's spread and to curb the virus
✓ Social Effects of the pandemic to the world
✓ Psychological effects of the flu to every inhabitants
✓ The effects of the flu towards the government and the economy
✓ Experiences and historical lesson from the flu against futuristic pandemic.
This book is a fundamental approach, it detailed the whole historical facts, happenings and different measures taken by several scientist, trying to curb it's outbreak, with dates, when, how, why, and different issues been approached.
In the book, you will also learn about the economical, psychological and social effects the outbreak had in the United States and other countries too.
Much can't be said here, why wait?.. PURCHASE this book NOW!!