"A Soul's Life" is a visually compelling and thought-provoking five-part philosophical poetry series for children and readers of all ages. Book 1, "The Soul," sets the stage for this metaphysical journey, as a curious soul contemplates the beauty and complexity of earthly life. Yearning to experience the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the wind, the thrill of emotions, and the journey of growth. Patiently, it awaits the ideal moment to be born into a physical form, and embark on the grand adventure we call life.
As you progress through this series, each book immerses you deeper into the experiences of the soul's journey as it navigates through physical existence in "The Body," explores emotions in "The Heart," delves into thoughts and mindfulness in "The Mind," and ultimately reflects on its many life experiences in "The Life."
Navaji's captivating illustrations and profound narrative reveal insights into topics like meditation, gratitude, love, empathy, and wisdom. These elements, fundamental to our existence, are beautifully portrayed to enrich our understanding and appreciation of life. "A Soul's Life" aims at sparking a flame of curiosity in its readers, encouraging them to ponder existential questions like, "What is a Soul?", "Why are we here on Earth?", and "What do I want my life to lead to?"
Each book in this series aims to deepen your understanding of the soul's journey and the essence of life itself. In doing so, each book provides a glossary of complex or unfamiliar words, simplifying these profound concepts and fostering meaningful conversations around them. This poetic voyage, filled with profound insights and delightful illustrations, promises to illuminate the path to your own self-discovery.
Join this poetic voyage and allow the "A Soul's Life" to illuminate the path to your own self-discovery in understanding the grandeur of existence, the beauty of the soul's evolution, and the infinite potential within you. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and unravel the mystic beauty of life and beyond.