About the Book
Binge Eating SOS-Overcome Food Addiction and Cure Binge Eating Disorders with a Secret Step by Step Program Before we start, answer these simple questions- Are you struggling with binge eating, emotional eating, stress eating or overeating? Are you managing to lose weight repeatedly only to gain it all back ? Have you tried diet after diet with no permanent success? Do you constantly think about how obese you are or need to lose weight? Do you always feel driven to eat when you are not hungry ? Have you felt the urge to continue eating even when you are full? Do you dream of living a life totally free of all the negative self-perceptions that come with this nightmare disorder ie the eating disorder? If you answered "yes" to at least one of the above questions, then this book is just what you need to get informed, grow confident, and take the steps necessary to get exactly what you want out of your life and your relationship with food! In Binge Eating SOS-Overcome Food Addiction and Cure Binge Eating Disorders with Proven Step by Step Program, you'll learn skills and nutrition guidelines recommended by doctors and therapists for healthy eating and how to quell the often overpowering urge to overeat. Using a variety of practices drawn from complementary and alternative medicine, you'll replace unhealthy habits with nourishing rewards and relaxation practices. This potent combination of therapies will help you end your dependence on overeating as a way to cope with unpleasant feelings and shows you how to develop new strategies for a healthier lifestyle. This workbook will help you learn the following: - Identify the trigger foods and feelings that spur you to binge or overeat - The dangers of sugar, why is sugar like heroine and the reasons of dump sugar now. - Why is emotional eating so hard to control and how to tackle with it - Importance of accountability, the S's and leering from past failures. - Determine how stress, depression, and anxiety may be affecting your eating - Self-spying for your own good - Why wrong foods are so wrong - What foods to include and what foods to absolutely avoid - My 7-Day Kick-start plan to manage food craving - The real detoxification plans - Craving killer whole day tasty diets and recipes - Calm yourself in stressful times with nourishing self-care practices - Learn to appreciate and accept your body Binge Eating SOS-Overcome Food Addiction and Cure Binge Eating Disorders with Proven Step by Step Program was written with individuals like you in mind - individuals who are ready to take massive action to achieve massive results! So what are you waiting for? Take action, not now, but right now, and grab your copy, today! Tags: binge eating disorder, eating disorders, binge drinking, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, binge on, binge watching, eating disorder, what is bulimia, types of eating disorders, anorexia symptoms, overeating, binge drinking definition, signs of anorexia, what is binge drinking, symptoms of anorexia, eating disorder statistics, binge watch, binge eating disorder treatment, what is binge eating, binge eating disorder definition, define binge, binge eating definition, eating disorder quiz, bed disorder, anorexia stories, eating disorder treatment, bulimia facts, signs of bulimia, night eating syndrome, Food addiction, food addiction help, addicted to food, overcoming food addiction, eating addiction, food addiction treatment, sugar addiction, food addiction recovery, addiction to food, food addiction rehab, food addicts, food addictions, food addict, treatment for food addiction, help for food addiction, compulsive overeating, compulsive overeating disorder, help with food addiction,