From the award-winning author Kimi Hall, here comes the sequel to SOME FAMILIES, Some Kids - This book is a celebration of all things "Kids". All kids are different in shapes, sizes, interests, etc. But all kids have one thing in common. they are each uniquely special and so very loved! This book is jam packed full of color and awesome images of kids doing the ordinary to the extraordinary. Buy this book for the special kid in your life or as a gift for someone else's special kid. This book should be a staple across all child and classroom libraries. Buy your copy today!
JNF069000 JUVENILE NONFICTION /Diversity & MulticulturalJNF053160 JUVENILE NONFICTION / Social Topics / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
How can my new book "SOME KIDS" support diversity and wellbeing in your classroom or home?
I'm a teacher, bi-racial, and raised in an inclusive household. I wrote this book for me and my classroom. I want all children to feel represented and to be exposed to other people's differences and similarities so that what once was different can now be normalized.
Some kids features kids of all shapes, sizes, colors, and abilities. It celebrates what makes children special, and also shows that all people are essentially the same. I wrote this book to help children feel represented and valued. Children of all races, genders, dis/abilities, LGBTQ+ children, or children who celebrate different cultural practices should have the opportunity to feel represented and we all know that representation matters and in some cases saves lives. This book was written to help all children feel represented and valued.
This book is great for families or teachers who value diversity and inclusion of all representations of children, and will help children build empathy towards others. If you want to fight prejudice and racism and bigotry in the community it is important to teach children at a young age that the differences in people are not what's important and that the similarities that we share are stronger. The book also instills a sense of pride and empowerment in children and reassures them that they too are special in their own way.
You'll definitely want to add this book to your 'Books that promote diversity and inclusion' collection. And if you don't have one, this is the book to start one.