About the Book
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1897 edition. Excerpt: ... agree upon. heshis, m.n., peace, agreement, accord.--ki. heshisi, v.tr., reconcile; labadas jal snalai ban heshisiyai, yesterday I reconciled these two friends; SO--, arbitrate, settle. hid (pronounced nearly as hed), v.tr., bind, fasten, shut, tie, confine; iss ku--, join (two things with thread, rope, wire). iss ku hidhid, v.tr.intens., tie the camels one to the tail of the other; eg aurtas iss ku hidhidan, look, these camels tied one to the tail of the other. (nin) hidan, a. and n., bound, prisoner; ninki hidna, the prisoner. hidnan, f.n., imprisonment.--ti. hog, m.n., hole.--gi. hog, v.tr., extort, get by force. hog, m.n., shin (tibia), strength, might, force, violence.--gi. hog badan, or hog we in, a., strong (in fighting and working). (n) hogso, v.tr., earn, work for your living; naftada u hogso, earn your living; naftaidan u hogsadai, adigu na naftada u hogso, I have worked for my living, you also earn yours. hoji, v.i., labour, work. hoga, num., few, little (used with wa or o); war! ohogagaiga i da, oh! leave to me my little, the little I have; wa hoga biyaah, a little water. hogan, m.n., halter (of a camel), --ki. hohob, f.n., jujube tree and fruit (see gob).--ti. hoh, um, scratch, abrade, hohad, f.n., spy-glass, telescope, '--di. hoi! ho! hoa! int., halloo! hollo! ho! (used alone with war, man, and na, woman); war! war hoi! hollo, man! na! na hoi!. hollo, woman! hoio, v.i., halt (at night), pass the night in a place, go home (this last meaning is only used when speaking to small children); galabta Wager bainu n hoian, we will halt at Wager this night. holo, m.n.pl., property, riches (in a general sense), affluence, wealth;--nol, living property, cattle;--badan, rich man. hola ba la ima yahan, expression meaning everybody knows..