With thorough coverage of inequality in health care access and practice, this leading textbook has been widely acclaimed by teachers as the most accessible of any available.
It introduces and integrates recent research in medical sociology and emphasizes the importance of race, class, gender throughout.
This new edition leads students through the complexities of the evolving Affordable Care Act. It significantly expands coverage of medical technology, end-of-life issues, and alternative and complementary health care--topics students typically debate in the classroom. Many new textboxes and enhancements in pedagogy grace this new edition, which is essential in the fast-changing area of health care.
New to this Edition
*More textboxes relating the social aspects of medicine to students' lives
*Expanded coverage leading students through the complex impacts of the ACA and health care reform
*Expanded coverage of medical technology, end-of-life issues, and alternative and complementary health care
*'Health and the Internet' sections updated and renovated toward student assignments
*New, end of chapter lists of terms
*Updated test bank
About the Author: Gregory L. Weiss earned his Ph.D. from Purdue University and is now Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Roanoke College. During his career, he has been an honored teacher [winning numerous college, statewide, regional (SSS), and national (ASA's Section on Teaching and Learning)] awards, a dedicated researcher and writer (author of Grass Roots Medicine and co-author of Experiencing Social Research and the ASA publication on Creating an Effective Sociology Assessment Program as well as dozens of scholarly articles), and active in the community in a variety of health- and animal-related organizations.
Lynne E. Lonnquist also earned her Ph.D. from Purdue University. She has taught at a variety of institutions including Mary Baldwin College (where she also served as Professor of Sociology and Director of the Adult Degree Program) and at Roanoke College. Recently, she has served as a mental health educator and counselor as well as Director of the Center for Growth and Well Being in Roanoke, Virginia. She has been active in numerous local, state, regional, and national sociological and mental health organizations.