Those who will pay offset penalties are the:
School Teachers (the largest group) - State College Professors - Librarians - Police & Fire Departments - City & State Employees working in the Water Department, Sewer, Street- and Road crews, Bus Drivers - Janitors - School Lunch Workers - Secretaries, City and State park personel including Rangers and Office workers. All temporary and part-time workers in any civil service job.
Anyone who ever worked in a civil service position in the 28 states with offset penalties with a private pension plan, you WILL LOSE from 50% to 100% of your if you took a lump sum one-time payout or will receive a monthly pension when retired.
The purpose of this book is to give you the information you need about the THREE different Social Security offset penalties. You will learn how each one will affect you; why they are unfair, and how to file an appeal for FREE.
In this book you will learn:
The POMS WEP, GPO and DE regulations.
How to file a waiver against overpayment penalties.
How your offset penalties are calculated.
The 28 states with pensions subject to offsets.
Workers who will have offset penalties or be exempt.
How the "modified" life table doubles your penalty.
How you could lose ALL of your SS.
Why a married spouse may pay two offset penalties.
How to CONTACT MEMBERS of the Senate, House of Representatives, your State Pension Agency, The White House and the President.