Wim Wender's Euro-American Construction Site: Paris, Texas or Texas, Paris, by Duco van Oostrum
Double Vision: Scorsese and Hitchcock, by Barbara Odabashian
Transformations of Terror: Reading Changes in Social Attitudes Through Film and Television Adaptations of Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Brian Rose
Decentering the Subject: David Hare's Wetherby, by Nicholas O. Pagan
Repercussions of the Civil War in the Canary Islands, by Margarita M. Lezcano
Cinema with a Future: The Development of Film in Quebec as an Authentic Expression of Québecois Culture, by Philip Reines
The Crack in the Facade: Social Aftershocks of Mexico's 1985
Earthquake, by Mary Tyler
Fiction into Film: "Is Dying Hard Daddy?" Hemingway's "Indian Camp," by H.R. Stoneback
Rear Window's Lisa Freemont: Masochistic Female Spectator or Post-War Socioeconomic Threat?, by Carol Mason
Revolution as Theme in John Oliver Killens' Youngblood by Charles Wilson, Jr.
Richard L. Chapple is professor and chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at Florida State University.