Do you get bored whenever you're not using digital devices?
- Do you feel like you need to access your social media accounts on your phone when things around you aren't that interesting?
- Do you often find yourself checking out your social media every now and then even when you're talking to someone that's right in front of you?
- Do you feel like your day is not complete if you don't use your digital devices or update your status on social media?
If you said yes to any of these questions, then there is a chance that you may have formed some kind of dependence on digital technology. It's not just your phone, your computer, your iPad, or your tablet. It can be the same comforting feeling when you watch Netflix, your web TV, or some other device-such as any Alexa-powered device like the Amazon Echo or Echo Dot.
Fortunately, there is hope. In this book, we will lay out practical ways to rejuvenate your life and bring purpose to your step.
These proven and tested methods will put you back where you belong, in control of your addiction.
This book covers:
✓ Technology Addiction and Social Network Addiction
✓ Key Elements that Feed Digital Addiction
✓ The Dark Side of the Online World
✓ Impact of Technology and Social Addiction to Our Life
✓ Minimalism
✓ Benefits of Minimalism
✓ Principles of Minimalism
✓ Digital Minimalism
✓ Principles of Digital Minimalism
✓ Benefits of Digital Minimalism
✓ Digital Minimalism in Everyday Practice
✓ Make Order from Chaos: Decluttering
✓ Dealing with Digital Disorder
✓ Social Media/Network Declutter
✓ Toxic Social Relationship Declutter
✓ Improving Mental Health by Applying Digital Minimalism
✓ Seven Steps/Plan to Overcome Technology/Social Network Addiction and Regain Freedom
And Much More...
If you apply the teachings in this book, you will regain a passion for your life. You will learn digital minimalism in your life to help you grow, and how to put digital and social network addiction who are holding you back on the shelf. You will become adept at listening to the right voices and improve your social skills.
These principles are so powerful they can't help but transform your life if you work them.
Where to start? Simple. You start by reading this book. Set a goal of finishing the book because finishing what you start is a hallmark principle of overcoming digital and social network addiction.
Therefore, start your digital minimalism program and begin breaking out of your own personal comfort zone by reading this book to completion. I am truly excited for the journey you are about to begin!
If properly applied, the tips and technique in this book you can radically transform your life.
Let this book guide you through properly balancing your responsibilities while practicing digital minimalism.
Buy this book. Change your life now!