Social Intelligence
Do you want to be socially intelligent? If yes, then keep reading...
The Neurological system regulates the body's many functions; Language pertains to how we communicate with others and ourselves; and Programming refers to the models and systems in our world: what output should we receive from a given input? NLP illustrates these three underlying forces, and the powerful connection between our mind (Neuro), language (Linguistic) and behavior (Programming).
This can be an initially perplexing idea, but bear with me! "The map is not the zone" professes that no human will ever know reality, as they can only know what they perceive as reality. Humans respond to everything around them through their sensory systems.
Similarly, it is the neuro-linguistic maps of reality which determine how a person behaves and gives that behavior meaning, not reality itself. Generally, it is not reality that encourages or limits a person, but their own map of reality.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can solve all the problems and be the perfect therapy for all whenever it has to do with mental disorders and other different issues. While it can solve all of these in the aspect of psychological issues, it should not be tampered with unless there is a proper mind-set that is ready to withstand the rigors attached to taking this therapy session.
A major reason for the extensive research on this particular topic is because CBT mainly focuses on specific goals. This makes it very easy to track and measure results.
Cognitive behavioral therapy differs from psychoanalytic kinds of therapy as the latter supports and encourages a self-exploration process that is open ended.
However, before a Cognitive behavioral therapy session can be successful, the patient must have an open mind and be committed to putting effort and time in analyzing his/her own feelings and thoughts. In truth, this could prove to be a difficult task as it requires homework and self-analysis. However, Cognitive behavioral therapy provides you with a great opportunity to discover how your outward behavior is impacted by your internal mental state.
Cognitive behavioral therapy has a wide range of application and a major benefit of this psychotherapeutic treatment option is that with it, patients are able to develop and hone their coping skills, which they can put into great use now as well as anytime in the future.
This volume includes the following topics:
- Neuro-linguistic programming
- Emotional intelligence
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
...and much more
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