So Tell Us, Christ contains a selection of recent poems by Catholic writer Pavel Chikhikov. His subjects include the natural world, Biblical events, and the life of the Church.
About the Author: Pavel Chichikov is the pen name of a writer who lives in a small town in central Pennsylvania. He has written for Catholic media and also for the secular press on such issues as Soviet nuclear weapons systems and Soviet environmental problems. His books include Lion Sun: Poems by Pavel Chichikov (Grey Owl Press, 1999), Mysteries and Stations in the Manner of Ignatius (Kaufmann Publishing, 2005), From Here to Babylon (Grey Owl Press, 2010), and A House Rejoicing (Grey Owl Press, 2012).
His work from 1993 to date is archived electronically and in print at the library of Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida, along with newspaper clippings, published books, recorded readings, and personal papers.
His poetry is presented every week on his web site: His poems about the Spanish painter Francisco Goya can be seen at:, and his photography is presented at
A poet sees the kingdom of God in a mustard seed or the love of God in the moth-soft Milky Way. Pavel Chichikov sees with the eyes of a poet, and his poems allow us to see the things he sees. This volume of verse is therefore a blessing on the eyes of all who open its pages.
-- Joseph Pearce, Director, Center for Faith and Culture, Aquinas College. Nashville, Tennessee
Deceptively simple in form and language, Pavel Chichikov's poems are lightning flashes of insight into profound realities-life and death, God, goodness and evil, suffering and ecstatic joy. One hardly knows whether to read them or to pray them. Perhaps the best answer is: Do both.
-- Russell Shaw, author of American Church and of more than twenty other books
The cover image is "El Salvador" by El Greco, courtesy Museo del Greco, Toledo, Spain