Snaptrap is at the forefront of autonomous everything with the world's most advanced technologies for: - Chip design
- Facial verification
- Cybersecurity
- Artificial Intelligence
- Applied Science
- Robotics
- Biometrics
It is designed to gather personal data to help customers innovate from silicon to software so they can bring smart everything back to their life.
Robert Mueller and Nathaniel Steel developed an application catering for baby boomers, to assist elderly Americans with their daily life's routine. It is easy to use, plug, and play. The technology is at the heart of innovations with its pretense that it will change the way elderly Americans live and do their daily chores. Like integration to GPS and Self-driving cars, learning how to use it without learning the machines but will be an autonomous vehicle that determines and will learn their traits and habits.
Our Senior citizens will have access to lightning-fast communication usage across billions of devices in the data sphere with just a push of one button. These breakthroughs are ushering in the era of Smart Everything―where devices are getting smarter, everything is connected, and everything must be secure.
Snaptrap application is a design on how to cater to you, instead of you learning how to use it. Helping elderly Americans innovate from not knowing, to having access to the software that can bring back lost memories back to life. Making them adapt more socially active and speak more eloquently.
Snaptrap might be the answer to Alzheimer's disease today, but what is involved in the process? And how much will you be willing to pay?
Snaptrap is at the cutting edge of advanced technologies for software security using facial recognition through eye retina scan. How much information does this application able to gather from the individual user?
Powering this new era of digital innovation is a high-performance silicon chip and exponentially growing amounts of software content. The application is widely used by our millennials because of its popularity concerning cybersecurity.
However, how many of their personal data are they giving up without their consent?
The application is secretly cultivating personal data from the end-user and storing it for later use towards a new world to establish a Smart Nation.
What will be the final phase of this application? Who has access to all the data collected by this smart application?
This revolutionary concept is a gripping and thrilling story entering the latest technology leading towards a smart nation. What is at stake for our millennials' or humanity's future? What will our world be like in the year 2035?
Presenting a thriller mystery, gripping suspense story.