NOTE: This is not a professionally produced book. It is a simple, faith based Study Guide of high quality for both individual and group use. It is designed to strengthen your personal relationship with the Lord God Almighty and to encourage you to "Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself."
The 24 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are reprinted verbatim after the 1917 Marsden translation and have been color coded to make referencing and discussing specific key topics easier. Frequent footnotes provide relevant information. There is also a "Definition" section at the back to clarify antiquated words. You are encouraged to "Look Inside."
For over a century, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have elicited an often savage response whenever they are mentioned. They are riddled with controversy and have been "officially" deemed 1. a hoax 2. a forgery and 3. the plagiarized work of previous authors. Nearly everyone has a strong opinion about them. Hardly anyone has actually read them.
There is no Jewish conspiracy!. For millennia, the father of the Lie has successfully pitted Jews, Christians and Muslims against one another so that we would not join hands together against Our Common Foe. Through fear and intimidation, that ancient Serpent has directed and empowered the multitudes of his Snakes in the Grass to deceive and divide the children of God Almighty and lead them astray - whether they are Jew or Gentile. Nor has he had so much as a twinge of compunction about sacrificing innumerable victims in order to achieve his Plan for global domination.
What he doesn't want is for you to actually read the Plan for yourself. The day you do that your eyes will be opened and you will see the Truth. He and his legions of Snakes in the Grass will no longer be able to "dupe" you into complicity with his Plan, and you will gain in spiritual strength - for Knowledge is Power. Hosea cried out for the Israelites because they were perishing " ... for a lack of knowledge," but even more important is the line that follows it, "... because they have REJECTED knowledge ..." (Hosea 4:6,7)
Please don't reject knowledge. Use your own brain to do your thinking and read the Protocols for yourself. You will discover that there is no Jewish conspiracy! The Elders are despicable apostates serving the Serpent, Lucifer, the "Illumined One" - who is not a Jew.
Don't be afraid. Christ Jesus is already seated on the throne of our Father's kingdom!
IMPORTANT: The author welcomes a public discourse with the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) to discuss the content of the Protocols. This would be an honorable alternative to the ADL's current tactic of slapping a unilateral Disclaimer on every publication which reproduces the Protocols.
About the Author: AUTHOR'S BIO Cynthia Jones has no special credentials. She has never done or accomplished anything that would particularly impress anyone. She is important only because she is personally acquainted with, and is an ambassador for, Christ Jesus. She believes that "everything done in darkness needs to be brought into the Light" and "everything done in secret needs to be revealed." Her fervent desire is to be used by our Father to help gather ALL His children together in His great, Redemptive Love - which is the true Hope of Zion and which no other power can overcome. "If God be for you, who can be against you?!" She welcomes and is readily available for respectful debate of the content of the Protocols. Although she is NOT affiliated in any way with the "Neturei Karta" organization in Israel, she encourages every reader to go to their website at "" and read the FREE online publication "The Rabbi's Speak Out" to better understand Judaism vs Zionism. CONTRIBUTORS BIO Pastor Joe Hoilien is a retired Assemblies of God minister. Soft spoken and highly esteemed by the members of his congregations through the decades, Pastor Joe is none-the-less courageous in his willingness to be used by God Almighty to proclaim the Truth regarding the enemy's wiles in these current times and he is actively engaged in "teaching the teachers." He has a special affinity for the Jews and feels called by God Himself to witness to them. Pastor Joe has authored two eye-opening booklets, "Who is Mystery Babylon?" and "The Millennium and the End Times."