About the Book
The Snack Foods World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in about 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the 51 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Snack food manufactures) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for 51 Products/Services covered, including: SNACK FOODS 1. Snack food manufactures 2. Roasted nuts & peanut butter manufactures 3. Nuts & seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched) 4. Nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), sold in bulk 5. Peanuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), separately, sold in bulk 6. Mixed nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), incl 4 varieties or more, sold in bulk 7. Other nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), separately or with 3 varieties or less, sold in bulk 8. Canned nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched) 9. Canned peanuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), separately 10. Canned mixed nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), incl 4 varieties or more 11. Other canned nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), canned separately or with 3 varieties or less 12. All other packaged nuts & all seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched) 13. Other packaged peanuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), separately 14. Other packaged mixed nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), incl 4 varieties or more 15. Other packaged nuts (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), packaged separately or with 3 varieties or less 16. Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, etc.) (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched) 17. Nuts & seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), nsk, total 18. Nuts & seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched), nsk 19. Peanut butter 20. Peanut butter in consumer sizes 21. Peanut butter in commercial sizes & bulk 22. Peanut butter, nsk 23. Roasted nuts (or seeds) & peanut butter, nsk, total 24. Roasted nuts (or seeds) & peanut butter manufactures, nsk, total 25. Roasted nuts (or seeds) & peanut butter manufactures, nsk, nonadministrative-record 26. Roasted nuts (or seeds) & peanut butter manufactures, nsk, administrative-record 27. Other snack food manufactures 28. Potato chips & sticks, plain & flavored 29. Corn chips & related products 30. Tortilla chips 31. Other chips 32. Corn curls & related products 33. Corn chips & related products, nsk 34. Other chips, sticks (hard pretzels, rinds, popcorn (except candied), etc.), excl crackers, soft pretzels & nuts 35. Hard pretzels 36. Other chips, sticks etc (rinds, popcorn (except candied), etc.), excl crackers, soft pretzels & nuts 37. Other chips, sticks etc (hard pretzels, rinds, popcorn (except candied), etc.), excl crackers, soft pretzels & nuts, nsk 38. Other chips, sticks etc (hard pretzels, rinds, popcorn (except candied), etc.), excl crackers, soft pretzels & nuts 39. Other snack foods, nsk, total 40. Other snack food manufactures, nsk, total 41. Other snack food manufactures, nsk, nonadministrative-record 42. Other snack food manufactures, nsk, administrative-record