Understanding how to manage your money is an essential aspect of your life. You may rely on the state welfare system or family members or friends for financial support in unpleasant circumstances, but you must be prepared for such situations. Therefore, taking care of your own finances should be a priority in your life. Managing your income and dealing with expenses and debt requires a good understanding of money management and financial knowledge. Luckily, many available tools can help you understand how to manage your money, such as budgeting, income statements, and balance sheets to manage your assets and liabilities, etc. We cannot escape the reality of the economic situation and its factors, such as inflation and interest rates, which affect our lives and influence our behaviour socially, mentally, and towards money.
Money is not unmanageable; understanding how to manage your money would help you tackle your financial challenges, make better financial decisions, and improve your future financial well-being. Lack of financial knowledge could lead to various problems, not only economic but also social, which can have a knock-on effect on people's mental health and well-being. When we buy goods or services, we regularly make financial decisions about whether or not those goods or services are essential for our families or us and whether or not we can afford them. Regardless of whether people are better off or less well-off, understanding their financial situations and how to manage and control their money is vital for making such decisions. In this book, you will learn:
- the necessary knowledge to manage money, develop a financial strategy to deal with unpleasant economic challenges, such as recession, increased interest rates, or inflation
- the importance of financial independence and how investing in financial education is crucial to improving your financial skills and achieving your goals
- identifying opportunities for improving your financial situation and managing your debt and expenses, and how to deal with financial obligations such as personal loans
- different financial strategies and creative finance techniques for enhancing your income using a financial planning process called GROW-A+
- the money flow cycle and managing cash flow, using budgeting to spend your money wisely and how monitoring credit reports could help you access credit, apply for a mortgage, or invest in future
- about a wealth generation engine, which provides a financial strategy to develop a financial plan and generate a multi-stream income