A suspense-filled, true-to-life police drama, Slice of Greed follows Detective Kevin Rhinehardt as he works a double murder case involving a doctor, his homosexual lover, and a mysterious killer on the loose along California's Central Coast.
Detective Rhinehardt is an experienced criminal investigator with the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office. But Solvang, California, doesn't experience much violent crime, so the early morning call to the scene has his stomach in a knot. It doesn't help matters that he didn't get much sleep, his new normal: too many bad dreams.
Drawing from his personal experiences as a criminal investigator, author K. C. Reinstadler takes you inside the mind of a dedicated detective with his own inner demons to overcome while working the difficult case-only to come up empty-handed. Dubbed "the Phantom," the killer has been careful to leave no physical evidence behind-and Rhinehardt has no leads.
Under pressure from a terrorized community, an antagonistic TV news team, and a tyrannical boss, the colorful detective team must use every investigative trick in the book to get a break in the case. But when they finally do, it opens up a bigger can of worms than anyone imagined!
About the Author: K. C. Reinstadler is a career law enforcement officer who spent most of his thirty-two years in the business as a criminal investigator on the Central Coast of California. Reinstadler draws from his personal experiences solving challenging and interesting cases during his career as a detective, sergeant, and lieutenant, basing most of his characters and situations on real-life situations.
Reinstadler is an avid scuba diver and instructor who also enjoys riding his Harley Davidson. Now retired, he lives with his wife, Jill, in Southern California.