The Skeletal Travelling Water is a fantasy series that smashes forcefully through the barriers of genre.
Episode one, series one, in the 'Skeletal series' smoothly transitions from a thrilling mystery to a dramatic and epic time travel story.
Journeying through factual and historical Earth, this fantasy and science fiction novel brings the monsters of horror into a dramatic and emotion story.
The Skeletal Travelling Water. Episode one
She is missing, our little girl, somewhere in time.
We need to find her...before something else does.
I am William, I am a skeletal. I have no flesh or muscle tissue, only bone. My skin is a flowing river of water that covers my bones in deep swirling aqua blue.
The three of us are unique. We live on a world that exists outside Earth's space/time. I go to Earth, through the travelling water, to release tensions caused by my addiction to emotions.
The intertwining worm holes, encased in the tunnel of water, are guided endlessly by an old rusted train track. It takes me anywhere on Earth and to any year, past, present, or future.
Our relationship has struggled. Maybe that's why our daughter went through, so she didn't have to listen to our arguments. Whatever the reason, she's out there, lost, with all the horrors of Earth, its history, its future...and with the creatures, the creeping, the scratching, the hungry, the violent, the horrifying creatures I didn't even know were there.
The Skeletal Travelling Water...our search, our fight, our desperation, starts here.