Wendolyn Eudora Cheney is a bit of a mess.Forty, overweight, prematurely white-haired, and the victim of a messy marriage and an even messier divorce, Wen has had a rough time getting back on her feet. She's the last person in the world who would find herself mixed up in a paranormal mystery with a side of dangerous fairy tale.
But when Dex and Callum -- two bounty hunter shapeshifters from the United Kingdom -- find her in the middle of Missouri at a grocery store and inform her that she has "called" them, she's a Sister of the Moon, and they're her loyal guardians for life, her world flips on a dime. Suddenly, she's flying to Scotland to meet another Sister of the Moon, Brigid, to learn the ropes.
When the third and eldest Sister of the Moon, Thea, shows up to tell them that all of magic is failing and her spirit guides say the Sisters must fix the Veil, Wen has to learn ropes none of them have ever heard of before. She might even have to make up a few ropes of her own.
Will she learn to use her dormant power? Will she almost die on a sea voyage? Will she have to enter a portal into the Night Realm to cross mental swords with energy beings from another plane of existence?
Brigid's tarot cards say yes, and they are never wrong. The Sisters of the Moon, a complete circle of three for the first time in a century, have work to do.
Wen's book is a slow burn, stand-alone, reverse harem love story about finding the magic in yourself at any age.
Warnings: anxiety, gaslighting recovery, past mental abuse.