Don't Crash! Follow This Roadmap to an Abundant Life in God...In this letter to the Christian church in Rome, the Apostle Paul teaches on the doctrines concerning evolution vs creation, atheism vs faith in God, predestination vs election, law vs grace, and Israel vs the Church.
These topics have proved to be sinkholes in the Roman Road for many.
They have been the subject of division, confusion, and anti-Semitism.
Having previously written my book "Playing in the Rubble", which addressed some of the pagan traditions and practices that have found their way into normalcy within Christianity, I anticipated some questions and queries, and even some disagreements.
These, I believe, can be answered by taking a step-by-step journey through the book of Romans. To this end, I have produced a chapter-by-chapter presentation of the book, rather than a topic-by-topic teaching.
Through our study together, we will discover the way forward--a roadmap--so that you can avoid the hazards that so easily beset us in our walk with God and reach your ultimate destination.
Although you may have a different calling than I do, our destination is the same: a vibrant, abundant Christian life with God Almighty through the work of His Son, Yeshua HaMeshiach--Jesus the Messiah.
Ready to spot the sinkholes and plot a course for this abundant life?
Then TAP THE BUY BUTTON, turn to page 1 and let's get started. Your life will never be the same again....
----Preface-----Having written "Playing in the Rubble", which addressed some of the pagan traditions and practices that have found their way into normalcy within Christianity, I anticipated questions and queries, even disagreements. These, I believe, can be answered by taking a thorough look at the book of Romans. To this end, I have produced a chapter-by-chapter presentation, rather than a topic-by-topic teaching.
Context is always important when it comes to getting the correct understanding of a topic. Usually sermons focus on one passage or subject and that is sometimes where misunderstanding starts. We need to get the whole picture, rather than just a portion. It is a bit like the story of the six blind men and the elephant; each man describes one part of the elephant which is according to that man's understanding, but it is only in putting all the pieces together that the full elephant can be appreciated.
This book, Paul's letter, has been called the "Roman Road to Salvation", because in it, Paul lays out the doctrines of faith in Jesus Christ. It is foundational and we need to pick our way slowly and carefully through Paul's writing because it seems to me that some parts have been misinterpreted or taken out of context by a good many people. In reading it thoroughly for this work, I too have learned a lot and been given a lot to think about. The Word of God is so deep that we can never plunge to its absolute depths.
Peter said in his letter (2 Peter 3:16) that Paul was hard to understand sometimes, and it seems that this is what has led to different opinions. Peter wrote our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, (i.e. about hanging in there with your faith), in which are some things hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. Exactly so! Because it requires effort, sometimes, to get to what Paul means, one may be tempted to skim over his words and blindly accept what has been handed down from the pulpit without checking the context of certain phrases and Scripture as a whole.
We remember that the Bereans were commended for their double-checking all they heard and should do likewise. Still reading But the book and let's get started....!