One second, everything is normal for Jade.
The next, the world breaks.
Afterwards, Jade is breaking free from a block of ice.
Turns out all of reality is one giant simulation. Oh, and the whole system running it just crashed.
Now Jade's fighting off mountain lions, giant snakes and ice demons, and it turns out things like quests exist. Apparently those who lived through the reset were injected into a older version of Earth with new rules to learn, complete with ability points and interactive personal menus. Jade might have trouble believing it, except for the constant dying and respawning. That is, until some enjectee activated a curse making life once again a one-shot deal.
Jade is enthralled by this new world of giant blue men, friendly barbarians, Romanesque armies, and suddenly being able to move around the world on their own two legs, something they could not do in the old Earth simulation. Accompanied by a snarky hologram navigation fairy named Bruce, and a strange man named Barbarian, Jade sets out to win this game. Their eventual goal? To rule the world and free it from the tyranny all civilizations inevitably grapple with.
And if Jade can save the world without visiting the Underworld, that'd be a pretty cool side quest.
But could Jade's actions lead them down a path that takes the whole of the world down with them?
Simulated Universe is a fantasy Lit-RPG about surviving and thriving in a new body within a strange new simulated world. Book 1 of the Simulated Universe series!