About the Book
"Simply Being" is an unexpected eighth book by Charlie Hayes on Advaita Nonduality. His previous books have earned high praise from avid readers, including some other Nonduality authors. The simplicity that this book points to is so utterly obvious that the majority of spiritual seekers craving that Great Enlightenment spoken of by so many sages just overlook it. Praise for Charlie's previous work: "You Are Unborn" is a rich source of guidance for those seekers drawn to serious engagement with esoteric spirituality. Charlie Hayes is one of those authors who is unaffiliated with any particular tradition, and who presents Advaita Nonduality in the vernacular of our modern age. Passionate and unwavering in his desire to shake you out of the conditioned mindset that blinds you to your true nature, he cuts through deluded thinking with a straight up and forthright delivery. One of eight books he has written, "You Are Unborn" is a beacon of clarity that I highly recommend. Composed of teachings, as well as dialogues with students, it is the kind of book that can be picked up, read for a few pages, and then lived with for a while. His pointers are reality wake-up calls, pithy, down to earth prose offered with a generosity of spirit that is unmistakable. With a quick look at the Introduction you will find this sample: So this is a strange book. Rather than providing answers to the mind that are no more fulfilling than a picture of a good meal is satisfying to the body's hunger for nourishment, this book will point to the nature of the Real, and also point out the false assumptions that keep that Reality of Eternal Freedom from being known as who you are. John Greer, author of "Seeing, Being, Knowing" Charlie Hayes provides no answers, gives no crutch to hold on to, creates no foundation for the spiritual seeker. In this void of separate-self-ness, Being may be recognized but not from afar, not objectively, not as something new. In Charlie's words, "It's about the rediscovery that there is no person and yet Being Is." Randall Friend, author of "You Are No Thing" "One might imagine the author's writing as guidance from an older brother, heart-felt advice and wisdom couched in deep sincerity and love. As the author would explain himself, [his books] in truth have been written by Life for Life. In the wholeness of what is, there are no divisions or separation, no individuals, no authors, no readers, no entities of any kind. Charlie Hayes is pointing to the fact that you are not what you think, not separate and vulnerable as you believe, but Life itself, perfect as you are." John Greer, author of "Being, Seeing, Knowing, a Guide to Sacred Awakenings" "Charlie is an awesome Advaita teacher" A.K.
About the Author: Charlie Hayes (1936- ), the author of several books on the spiritual path of Advaita, is also a former "top ten worldwide" professional racing driver and Ferrari dealer; "lost it all" in bankruptcy, divorce and mental breakdown in June 1974, then met Swami ("Baba") Muktananda in December 1974, and Werner Erhard in 1978 and was a member of his staff for several months; studied with both Werner's and Baba's disciplines for many years, also completing much course work with Dr. Fernando Flores ("Logonet") as well as at Landmark Education, an offshoot of Erhard's teachings. Hayes then met the living Advaita Sage Wayne Liquorman in 2002, also learned "Ishayas' Ascension" in 2002; met spiritual author/teacher John Wheeler (Santa Cruz, CA) in 2004, teachers and authors 'Sailor' Bob Adamson (Melbourne, Australia). All pointed out the obviousness of Presence-Awareness and the nonexistence of any "separate me" with "ruthless love and compassion." Great good fortune! Charlie salutes 'Sailor' Bob Adamson as his "Final Guru", who ended a 30 year search. He enjoys sharing the Good News of Nonduality at his home in a retirement community in Reno, Nevada. He offers consults on Advaita via telephone, Skype and e-mail - non.duality@yahoo.com - and occasionally, in person upon request. "One might imagine the author's writing as guidance from an older brother, heart-felt advice and wisdom couched in deep sincerity and love. As the author would explain himself, this book in truth has been written by Life for Life. In the wholeness of what is, there are no divisions or separation, no individuals, no authors, no readers, no entities of any kind. Charlie Hayes is pointing to the fact that you are not what you think, not separate and vulnerable as you believe, but Life itself, perfect as you are." John Greer, author of "Seeing, Beng, Knowing, a Guide to Sacred Awakenings" "Charlie is a master, using metaphor and honesty, in guiding the mind towards itself, to devour itself, to recognize its own futility. And in that recognition of absence of individual self, the Being which Charlie points to may be known." Randall Friend, author of "You Are No Thing"