The heart and brain, like other parts of the body, need oxygen to function properly. Oxygen is carried by the blood. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Heart attacks and strokes are caused by disorders of the arteries. The same factors that cause heart problems can increase the risk of stroke.
A heart attack occurs when an artery that supplies blood to the heart muscle becomes blocked. Blockage of blood supply damages the heart muscle or results in the death of the affected tissue.
If an artery supplying blood to the brain becomes blocked, a stroke can occur. This is known as an ischemic attack. This occurs as a result of plaque detachment from an artery, such as the carotid artery in the neck. It can also be caused by a blood clot that comes from the heart and travels to the brain. Another type is hemorrhagic stroke. It is caused by the bursting of a weak blood vessel.
Heart attack and stroke are both medical emergencies. They can cause serious health problems. They could also cause death.
A healthy artery is a tube with flexible walls and a smooth inner lining. Blood circulates freely through a healthy artery. Arterial problems start when the inner lining of the arteries gets damaged. It is usually the result of risk factors such as high cholesterol, smoking, and high blood pressure. These can harden the artery walls. A plaque builds up on the lining, which is a fatty substance that contains a mixture of cholesterol and other substances. The space inside the artery becomes narrower. The plaque can rupture and further limit blood flow through all the vessels. This can also lead to clot formation. That clot can completely block the artery.
There are some changes you can make to improve the health of your arteries and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. If you have heart disease, you may need to change some aspects of your lifestyle. Remember that what is good for the arteries, the heart, and the brain is also good for the rest of the body.
Improving the quality of life is key to preventing cardiovascular diseases. Avoid smoking, control your weight, maintain a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, eliminate fat and fried foods, eat nuts, exercise, and manage stress-these are some of the tips that a good heart can use to maintain health.