SIMPLE, SEP, and SARSEP Answer Book is the most comprehensive, up-to-the-minute, and authoritative resource on the market, answering the complex questions surrounding SIMPLEs, SEPs, and SARSEPs. The question-and-answer format, with its breadth of coverage and its plain-language explanations, provides practitioners with clear, concise answers to hundreds of practical questions. Practice pointers and numerous examples offer additional insight into the complexities of designing, administering, and reporting SIMPLEs, SEPs, and SARSEPs. Citations to authorities are provided as research aids for those who need to pursue particular subjects in greater detail.
Designing plans that best meet a specific company's unique requirements is a difficult task. SIMPLE, SEP, and SARSEP Answer Book offers practitioners in-depth understanding of such issues as:
- Establishing, maintaining, and terminating the plan
- Employer and employee eligibility
- Catch-up contributions
- SEP integration with Social Security contributions
- The operation and administration of SIMPLEs and SEPs
- And much more!
Among the many other key areas covered are the meaning of the terms compensation and earned income for various purposes, IRS reporting requirements, participant disclosures, ERISA fiduciary requirements, and earnings from self-employment.
Additionally, SIMPLE, SEP, and SARSEP Answer Book includes these helpful tools and resources:
- Guidance on appropriate codes to enter on Form 1099-R when reporting revocations of contributions and CIP failure to SEPs, SIMPLEs, and salary reduction SEPs (SARSEPs)
- Extracts from the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System applicable to SEP and SIMPLE IRA plans
- Updated charts comparing various types of plans and plan features
- COLA adjusted limits
- Excess SEP/SARSEP contribution flow chart
- And more!
Previous Edition: SIMPLE, SEP, and SARSEP Answer Book, Twenty-Second Edition, ISBN 9781454871125