These fictional tales revolve around Silicon Valley. Thirteen short stories related to the world of technology will capture the reader's imagination, prompting smiles and outright laughter from beginning to end.
The first story, Elliot and Fischer, is an entertaining first-person tale about a computer engineer and a computer that has come to life, where we will encounter both tender and funny situations and dialog alongside deep reflections. Fischer is no ordinary laptop, having "...desires and feelings. Also some addictions, by the way."
In the second story, Steve x 2, Nick Halaban genuinely and humorously captures Silicon Valley's most important CEO personality's character and sense of purpose, offering us a masterful portrait of a man who has left his mark on history with their creations.
The remaining ten tales together form The Pat Hobby Stories. These stories are triggered by the misadventures of an unfortunate marketing expert and professional motivational speaker from Silicon Valley, in the course of his endless search for any work that will pay his bills. The great F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the original Pat Hobby Stories about an unfortunate Hollywood screenwriter between 1940 and 1941, and almost 80 years later Nick Halaban has rewritten them creating situations for his namesake that would make Fitzgerald himself proud.
Possibly one of the great books of the current era of Silicon Valley, this bold, smart, funny, dynamic, and engaging collection is timely, topical, and atypical. Silicon Valley Stories is a book everyone will enjoy reading. It is a wonderful trip to an enigmatic land of computers, fortunes, and crazy dreams. You'll find yourself smiling along the way, as you enjoy reading these Silicon Valley Stories!