About the Book
his dreams sparked from the stars of the night
أحلامه انطلقت من نجوم الليل
his dreams melted from the beams of the sun
ذابت أحلامه من أشعة الشمس
dreams came to him, and a restlessness of the soul came to him
جاءت إليه الأحلام ، وجاء إليه قلق الروح
his soul was fuming from the sacrifices
كانت روحه تغضب من الذبائح
he breathed forth from the verses of the Rig-Veda
تنفس من آيات ريج فيدا
the verses were infused into him, drop by drop
غرست الآيات فيه قطرة قطرة
the verses from the teachings of the old Brahmans
الآيات من تعاليم البراهمة القدامى
Siddhartha had started to nurse discontent in himself
بدأ سيدهارثا في رعاية السخط في نفسه
he had started to feel doubt about the love of his father
بدأ يشعر بالشك في حب والده
he doubted the love of his mother
شك في حب والدته
and he doubted the love of his friend, Govinda
وشك في حب صديقه جوفيندا
he doubted if their love could bring him joy for ever and ever
كان يشك فيما إذا كان حبهم يمكن أن يجلب له الفرح إلى أبد الآبدين
their love could not nurse him
حبهم لا يمكن أن يرضعه
their love could not feed him
حبهم لا يمكن أن يطعمه
their love could not satisfy him
حبهم لا يمكن أن يرضيه
he had started to suspect his father's teachings
بدأ يشك في تعاليم والده
perhaps he had shown him everything he knew
ربما أظهر له كل ما يعرفه